Between Minsk and Smolensk.

Soviet Command, at the end of June, makes a decision to put forward the most formatins of Soviet forces of the second strategic echelon from internal military districts, to develop, on the rivers Western Dvina and Dnieper with a task: " To outcome of June 28, occupy and strongly defend a boundary Kreslavle, Disna, Polotsk fortification area, Vitebsk, Orsha, Loev. Not suppose break of the opponent in a direction on Moscow, destroying him by powerful counter-attack of infantry and air forces ". The directive of Soviet High Command.

The forces, intended for this purpose, were united in group of armies of a Reserve Main Command led by marshal of the Soviet Union S.M.Boodenny. Group was included 20th, 21th and 22th Soviet Armies of total 28 divisions. The next days - from June 28 till July 2, Soviet High Command accepts some more decisions directed on strengthening of Smolensk-Moscow direction: it develops with the purpose of organization a defense on a boundary Nelidovo, Bely, Dnieper river, Yelny, the  Desna river up to Ghukov, Lopush (to the south-west of Bryansk), removed from the main boundary on 210-240 kms, 24th and 28th Soviet Armies (19 divisions) with readiness of a defense by July 5, transfers forces from reserve and 19th Army (9 divisions) in structure of Western Front, having nominated commander by its, marshal of the Soviet Union S.K.Timoshenko; turns in area of Smolensk 16th Army (6 divisions), which was thrown before in structure of Southwestern Front.

On the Commander of Western Front laid a task to organize management of forces, receding from a frontier line, 3rd, 10th, 13th and 4th Armies to finish expansion of troops, arrived from Ural and from a southwest direction, and create unbroken front of a defense on the Western Dvina and Dnieper rivers. In interests of this task Timoshenko tried to organize a defense on the Berezina river from Borisov up to Paritchy by remnant forces of 13th and 4th Armies (separate groups, leaving from encirclement, forces of 3rd and 10th Armies did not represent real strenth). Since June 29 between a highway Borisov-Orsha and Bobruisk on the Berezina river in area of ferries defended Soviet 4th Air-landing Corps, together with formations of 13th Army. These forces kept ferries during three day. However to detain Germans on the Berezina was not possible.

The persistent fights were conducted Soviet 20th Mechanized Corps on the Berezina river on a boundary Brodets, Seliba, Stary Ostrov against German SS Panzer Division. The especially heavy fight has inflamed on July 3. The opponent tried to take possession of the bridge through Berezina and simultaneously to bypass flanks of the Soviet Corps. However German attempts have not crowned by success.

All formations of both German Panzer Groups on July 3, were incorporated in 4th Tank Army. This Tank Army immediately began prosecution of Soviet forces avoided encirclement, in direction on the east and the southeast to reach Smolensk. The Army Corps of 4th Fild Army were transferred to 2nd Army. 2nd Panzer Group coming along a highway Minsk-Orsha- Smolensk, soon has encountered all growing resistance of Soviet forces near Borisov.  

Defense highway Borisov-Orsha (map)


On the wings of both Panzer Groups the situation was easier, 2nd Panzer Group has approached to the Dnieper river in Rogachev area where has met with Soviet 63th Rifle Corps. 

On July 3, with support of artillery and aircrafts Germans have tried straight off to force of Dnieper river in Rogacev area on a site of a defense of Soviet 167th Rifle Division. But met beforehand by prepared artillery and machine-gun fire, have incurred the large losses and were compelled hasty depart in an initial situation. July 5, at 13:00 after artillery bombardment and impacts of aircraft Germans managed to be forced of Dnieper to the north-east of Rogachev, in area Zborovo village. Germans have begun to advance on the east in the direction of Gadilovitchy. After short Soviet artillery preparation Petrov's Division take to counterattack. The fascists have not sustained impact of our forces and hasty send back.




3rd Panzer Group on July 4, has grasped bridgehead on the east bank of the Dvina river to the west of Vitebsk.

July 3, German 19th Panzer Division of 57th Panzer Corps forced Western Dvina in area Disna. To outcome of day the Soviet investigation has informed ours divisions, that Lepel city is already engaged by formations of 39th Panzer Corps, and its advanced groups are put forward in a direction Ulla, Beshenkovitchy. Attempts of an enemy to force Western Dvina straight off on a site Ulla, were reflected by fire of our artillery. Within July 6-7 the opponent carried out combat investigation and concentrated forces and battle engineering on the southern bank of the river. German 39th Panzer Corps was possible managed bridgehead on sites of Soviet 293rd and 290th Rifle Regiment. Thus, coming against 186th Soviet Rifle Division, German 39th Panzer Corps managed to break through its defense, to dismember, and cut off most formations from corps forces and  surround it. Not accepting while measures to liquidation of the surrounded Soviet forces, Germans continued to develop offensive on Vitebsk and Nevel directions.

Defense of 22th Army on the Western Dvina (Vitebsk direction) (map)

Thus in the beginning of July advanced formations of 3rd and 2nd Panzer Groups, having overcome desperate resistance of departing units and formations of Soviet 3rd and 4th Army of Western Front on a boundary: Western Dvina and Berezina rivers, have grasped several bridgeheads (19th Panzer Division - Disna, 20th Panzer Division - Ulla, 17th Panzer Division - Borisov) and have created thus favorable conditions for the subsequent approach on Vitebsk (for 3rd Panzer Group) and Orsha (for 2nd Panzer Group) directions.

In usual conditions Commander of Western Front on June 4, 1941 has given the order: "... Strongly defend on a line Polotsk fortification, banks of Western Dvina river, Senno, Orsha and further on the Dnieper river and not admit German offensive in the north and east directions:

22th Army - task: to defend Polotsk Fortification Area and boundary on the Western Dvina river up to Beshenkovitchy;

20th Army - defend a boundary Beshenkovitchy, Shklov, having created strong anti-tank defense;

21th Army - defend a boundary of Mogilyov, Novy Byhov, Loev.

... Strongly keeping boundaries of Western Dvina, Dnieper rivers, since morning 6.7.1941 take to counteroffensive for destruction Lepel grouping of the opponent ".

The plan of Soviet Command consist in, that by active actions of Soviet  formations, disposed in inter-river Berezina, Western Dvina and Dnieper to prohibit offensive of 2nd Panzer Group on Orsha direction and its output to the Dnieper, and by powerful counterattack of Soviet 5th and 7th Mechanized Corps on Lepel direction on flank of 3rd Panzer Group to detain its offensive on Vitebsk direction, having created thus favorable conditions for promotion reserves from depthof country and perfection defense on a boundary (Luchosa river, Bogushevskoe, Orsha, Shklov). Proceeding from the decisions, Soviet Commander of  Western Front received task and usual conditions, has accepted the decision on a defense. The Soviet formations of 2nd and 44th Rifle Corps, and also 1st Motor-Rifle Division, strengthened by 115th Tank Regiment intended for actions in advanced operative zone. The tactical zone of a defense was supposed to be defended by forces of 69th and 61st Rifle Corps. For realization counterattack with an output for forward territory was planned to apply 7th and 5th Mechanized Corps. In a reserve were allocated 128th and 144th Rifle Divisions, available in the nearest depth of an operative zone of a defense of army on its flanks.

To 7th Soviet Mechanized Corps was ordered to put impact in a direction of Beshenkovitchy, Lepel, and to outcome of first day take possession of area Kublitchy, Lepel, Kamen, further to put impact in flank and rear of German Polotsk grouping; 5th Mechanized Corps - put impact in a direction Senno, Lepel, to outcome of day take possession of area Ludchitsy, Lukoml, in further develop impact through Lepel on Glenboke. The results of this Soviet counterattack were sad. 

By July 10, Germans on the central site of offensive of Panzer Groups, having forced Berezina and Drut, came to Dnieper; now they have concentrated the basic forces between Mogilyov and Orsha to force Dnieper river.

The German forces have executed all tasks, first of all by destruction of Soviet forces, resisting to it, and have prevented to create a defense on the Dnieper and Western Dvina. The vigorous actions of 2nd Panzer Group at Dniepers allowed to hope that it will overcome also this large obstacle, before Russian can tighten reserves. Then it will be possible immediately to begin offensive to Smolensk.


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